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Information of the Estate Agents Authority
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- Information of the Estate Agents Authority

The Estate Agents Authority (“EAA”) is a statutory body established under the Estate Agents Ordinance to regulate the practice of estate agents in Hong Kong. As estate agents may handle tenancies in respect of subdivided units which are subject to Part IVA of the Landlord and Tenant (Consolidation) Ordinance, the EAA issued a Practice Circular (No. 22-01 (CR)) setting out relevant guidelines for estate agents to follow. The EAA also published a related set of Q&As for estate agents' reference.
Interested parties may refer to the links below for the full text of the Practice Circular and the related Q&As, which are available on the website of the EAA (http://www.eaa.org.hk/en-us/):
Practice Circular (No. 22-01 (CR)) issued by the EAA
Related Q&As issued by the EAA
Should there be enquiries with respect to the Practice Circular and/or the related Q&As, please email to enquiry@eaa.org.hk or call the EAA hotline at 2111 2777.
Following the issuance of the Practice Circular, the EAA has launched a promotional leaflet to enable licensees to better understand the key points of the guidelines therein, which include disclosing licensees' capacity in the transaction, informing clients of the requirements on the security of tenure and rent regulation, explaining implied mandatory terms, drawing client's attention to the relevant offences and apportioned amounts, and arranging stamping and submitting the Notice of Tenancy (Form AR2).